Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Long day today-
Took my cat to the vet (he is apparently old now, early onset arthritis.)
Went to the gym (my body is apparently eating itself.)
Went to my assignment for the Independent (I'M ON THE BEAT, YEAHHHHHH.)
Rashid rented me Queer as Folk. (How sweet of him.)

You know what else would be sweet?
If everyone who reads this blog gave me a dollar then next time they saw me.
I'm looking at you, Kopinski...

Monday, April 9, 2007

Assignment Number 1

It's so late at night ...
College calls.


ran on 4/29/07
in the columbian
section D3

"Feuding McCoy clan carries angry genes"

it's a soft news story.
it it newsworthy because:

1. unusual nature- a longstanding feud between two american families that started over a pig ownership dispute, also deals with a rare disease.

2. local - one of the families has relatives in oregon.

3. conflict - it is a conflict between two families.

4. entertainment - most people think that they have a family full of crazies. i imagine many people would feel better about their families after reading about these guys.

I am the almighty.

Fall to your knees and worship me!